Are you forming a business in Walnut Creek, Alamo, Lafayette, Pleasant Hill, Concord, Danville or the greater Bay Area? Do you need assistance in drafting corporate documents or negotiating and reviewing contracts relating to your business? Are you buying or selling a business (whether an asset sale or sale of stock) and in need of counsel? Do you need assistance drafting and filing documents with the California Secretary of State?
We have extensive background on a wide variety of business law related issues, including:
- Preparing and filing with the California Secretary of State all required documents for the formation, continued operation, and dissolution of corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies
- Drafting documents, including bylaws, operating agreements, partnership agreements, meeting minutes, and shareholder, member and director resolutions and action documents
- Reviewing, negotiating, and drafting contracts relating to clients’ businesses and counseling clients on their contractual rights and obligations
- Representing buyers and sellers concerning the sale of existing businesses, whether sale is an asset sale or stock/membership interest transaction
- Negotiating and drafting Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements
- Drafting and submitting trademark applications with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
- Drafting and submitting applications to the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of non-profit entities for recognition of exemption