Roscha law, Inc.
Phone: 925.602.1400
The information contained in this website is provided solely for those who may wish to know information about Roscha Law. This information may not reflect current legal developments and is general in nature. It should not be relied upon or construed as legal advice, and it is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice about a specific question from an attorney licensed in your state. Similarly, submission of an email to Roscha Law or to any attorney or other communication through the website does not create any attorney-client or other privileged or confidential relationship, and we have the right to use or disclose any such information that has been submitted to Roscha Law or its attorneys. Accordingly, do not disclose any information to us that you wish to remain private or confidential. If you intend to send any confidential information to Roscha Law via email, you should speak first with one of our lawyers and obtain authorization to do so. Roscha Law does not seek or agree to represent you based upon your visit to this web site. In order for Roscha Law to represent you, we must enter into a separate written representation and fee agreement signed by both you and Roscha Law.