As a licensed contractor in California, you were diligently providing labor and materials as a subcontractor to complete a work of improvement on privately held property. As you near the end of your work, the general contractor has stopped paying you, and maybe they have even dropped out of communication and are not showing up…
For Bay Area real estate developers, NIMBYS, YIMBYS, and interested residents, there is a very interesting and controversial bill (AB 2923) making its way through the California State Assembly and Senate and heading to Governor Brown’s desk for review. The crux of this bill would require BART to specially zone its parking lots, vacant land,…
One of the most litigated industries involves construction, with disputes centered on timely and proper performance, change orders, delays, payment and grounds for withholding payment, liability for defects, and other contractors and subcontractors disputes. Within the construction industry, the area that may have the most disputes associated with it involves Home Improvement Contracts. We have…